—Go, my child. It's time you go out and see the world.
This website is turning 20 years old!. To celebrate the 20th anniversary I made a quixotic book titled En un lugar de la mancha*.
* The title is a pun in Spanish: Besides being the famous first words of Don Quijote, also could be read as something like "Somewhere On The Ink Spot".
This book is an anthology of many of the drawings, cartoons (and the texts in Spanish that occasionally go with them) which I posted here in the course of all this years.
The book, as usual, was handmade copy by copy in my workshop.
See more info/photos and buy it from anywhere in the world on the Spanish version of this same site.
Known here in South America as "Calandria". As his North American cousin he borrows the songs of other birds and sometimes, human melodies too!.
I wrote a micro-story (unstranslatable I'm afraid) about this bird in the Spanish versión.