Fantastic beasts born overnight during the hypnotic wandering of the pencil or the pen on the white (or ivory) paper surface.
Mostro abissale gastronomico
Pen and ink illustration of a garden beast
Watercolor and ink drawing of a hare as described by someone who never saw one
Pen and ink opposum cartoon on the Illustrated Bestiary
A new bug belonging to an upcoming fantasy art cards collection
A singular kind of mosquito made up entirely out of ink and pen in my Illustrated Bestiary
Pen and ink artwork of the interbreeding between a fly and a walnut in my Illustrated Bestiary.
Solar Cow. Ballpoint pen art on the illutrated bestiary
Much has been written about animals that managed to adapt from the aquatic...
There is a kind of minor beasts born from the leftovers of the creation, the...
Little coffee table dragon pen and ink illustration on Lisandro's Bestiary.
Prairie Satyr - Fantastic illustrated Bestiary
Vociferous bug, Pen and ink drawing. Illustrated Bestiary
Illustrated bestiary: Routine Daemon or Tie Daemon
Fantastic Beast: A trade unionist centaur
Iconic animal that inhabits the wet areas of the memory cartoon
Watercolor drawing: Khan Fish
Fantastic Bestiary Watercolor illustration: Quarrelsome Gnat
(Vegetable vermin) Animaletto dell'orto - Bestiario illustrato
The Cantaurus. Mythical domestic animal cartoon
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