
Some illustrations made for magazines and book covers.

The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

Pen and ink illustration for a Fiodor Dostoievski short stories book cover

Pen and ink illustration for the book Sueño de un hombre ridículo y otros cuentos (The dream of a ridiculous man and other short stories) by Fiodor Dostoievski translated from Russian to Spanish by Alejandro Ariel González and published by Editorial Galerna in Argentina.

Cover Bird

Ilustración para la tapa del libro Cómo escribir novelas

Having heard more than a thousand times that a picture is worth more than a thousand words and that a bird on a cover is worth two in a blog, the muddled but ambitious bird featured on this sketchbook some months ago, has taken flight to finally settle on the cover of the book "Cómo escribir novelas" written by the famed Marquis de Sade and just published in a new edition by Galerna Editorial from Argentina.

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    The Dream of a Ridiculous Man

    Pen and ink illustration for a Fiodor Dostoievski short stories book cover

  • Cover illustration for a Marquis de Sade book

    Cover Bird

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